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9 December 2023: The Second ORSHK Young Researchers Workshop


The Second ORSHK Young Researchers has been successfully held on 9 December 2023 at City University of Hong Kong with support from Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies (HKSTS). The program included a tutorial given by Professor Frank CHEN (Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong) on deep reinforcement learning for operations research and inventory control problems, a welcome speech given by Professor Zijun ZHANG (Data Science, City University of Hong Kong), students' paper presentations, and interactive sessions.



26 November 2022: The First ORSHK Young Researchers Workshop


The First ORSHK Young Researchers has been successfully held on 26 November 2022 at The University of Hong Kong. The technical program included a tutorial given by Professor Anthony SO (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) on operations research techniques for data science and machine learning, paper presentations, and interactive sessions.



26-27 April 2022: The First APORS Youth Forum


Asia-Pacific Operational Research Society (APORS) organized (virtually) the first APORS Youth Forum on 26-27 April 2022. As a member society of APORS, ORSHK has participated in the event where we have Dr. Andy Chow gave a talk on 'Dynamic transport system operations with reinforcement learning'. Here are the event flier and booklet (with speakers' bios and abstracts enclosed). 

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